Domestic US orders.

About "Fast Racer"

As my first blog post, we would like to tell more about the history of "Fast Racer".
About "Fast Racer"
Our story started in Brazil in 2011 when we started a Motorsport Distribution Business under the name of "Bersaghi Speed COM IMP EXP LTDA | goBS", having OMP (Italy, US) as main partner.
We had the passion for Motorsport, knowledge on business management and importing process (which is very complex in Brazil) but no experience in the auto racing or karting markets in Brazil. We spent 6-8 months learning about market and creating our winning business model and strategy before placing the first order to OMP.
At the same time, OMP brand was still unknown in Brazil, even after the success of their fireproof tracksuits worn by highly decorated champions of Formula 1 as Ayrton Senna (*1960 - †1994, 3 times F1 World Champion Brazilian Driver and nationwide idol) and Michael Shumacher. We were proud of introducing the brand in the Marketing and exponentially increasing brand awareness over the years.
By 2017, we were supplying products to 13 physical stores and 12 online stores. We were very happy to work with dealers but we always lack the contact with end customers.
But, as time comes, me and my family moved to the USA in 2016. Guess what? Motorsport is a passion and they decided to reach a new milestone. By end of 2017 it was born "Fast Racer" in the USA, focusing on end customers at this time. Once again, OMP Racing was chosen as a partner, while adding Bell Helmets to the family.
Our office and warehouse is located in Saint Joseph, MI. Here we have tons of snow for about four months every year. But, we never stop working. We ship worldwide, at any time of the year. We hope you are racing while we cannot.
What is next?
We are continuously growing our inventory and expanding our portfolio of products. Pretty soon, there will be more brands brought to you on top of OMP and Bell. Changes are noticeable month over month.
It is not all. We never stop bringing in new enhancements to the website with the objective of providing you a great shopping experience.
At Fast Racer, "We Are Racing!". Visit us today!
#WeAreRacing #FastRacer #Ideas @fastracerus
Daisy Bersaghi
Fast Racer Co-Founder

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