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Free shipping on all US domestic orders (excluding a few oversized items). No minimum purchase - even small items ship free.
Free shipping on all US domestic orders (excluding a few oversized items). No minimum purchase.


Sometimes things happen that are beyond our control. If, in the unlikely event, your item arrives in less than perfect condition, please notify us as soon as possible after receiving your order. We would appreciate it if you could provide us with a photo of the product(s) and package for our insurance claim purposes and to identify the root cause of the issue.

The manufacturer's warranty covers defects in materials and workmanship. Fast Racer, at its discretion, will act on your behalf with manufacturers and help you get replacement parts and/or ship a replacement to you according to inventory availability.

Items must be within the expiration time given by the manufacturer from the date of purchase.

Please note that warranties are not transferable and do not extend to re-sold items. For a warranty to be in effect, products must have been used for its intended purpose through normal use. The warranty does not cover defects resulting from negligence, misuse, accidents, alteration, failure to perform maintenance as instructed, unauthorized repair, or abnormal wear and tear. 

In case you received a damaged or defective item or if the wrong items were shipped, please review the "Returns & Exchanges Policy."


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Garmin Catalyst Driving Performance Optimizer

Garmin Catalyst

Receive real-time audio coaching cues in your headset, or stream through your car stereo via BLUETOOTH technology